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We accept orders by phone / fax or walk-in only.
Shipping & Handling charges are handled on an individual basis.
The order form on this page can be printed and used.
All the Credit Cards shown below are accepted.

ALPS Evidence & Photo
2579 Lawrenceville Hwy., Suite B
Decatur, GA 30033
(404) 872-2577

Limit of Liability
    Submitting any film, print, slide or negative to ALPS for processing or
printing or other handling constitutes an agreement by you that any
damage or loss by our company or any other film processor, even
though by our or the other processor’s negligence or other fault,
we will only entitle you to replacement with a like amount of unexposed
film and processing.
    Except for such replacement the acceptance by us of the film, print,
slide or negative is without other liability or warranty, including any
implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Further more, we are not responsible for damage or destruction of
original art or other items requested for mounting or lamination in the
rare instance that damage or destruction occurs during the lamination
or mounting process. We are not responsible for items and work left
here for over 30 days.
Rush Charges
Times are computed on business day hours.
The prices listed on the front of this sheet reflect a normal turn around
   time of 3 to 4 business days. Requesting a faster completion time
   may incur rush charges (sometimes depending on our present work load).
For turn around times of:
   16 - 24 hours add 50%
    8 - 16 hours add 100%
    less than 8 hours add 200%
Quantity Discount
   These are available on many items and based on orders of more than
one of a single item. More than 10 of the same product will get a discount
on 9 of them. The discount is 1% for each additional item ordered and can
be up to a 35% discount maximum.

Digital Printing Requirements
We can print a large variety of file formats such as PDF, JPEG & DOC.
Some file formats can be printed, but may have limitations.
Some formats from specialized programs cannot be printed.
Bitmaps should be at the desired output size and:
     350 dpi for laser output (up to 12x18).
     150 dpi for larger output.
    ( Excess resolution adds nothing and takes longer to print and
       gradients and texture fills may not print correctly or at all.)
All files with editable text should include any non-standard font files.
Helvetica, Ariel and Times New Roman would be considered standard.
Programs we accept:
    PC (Windows): Photoshop CS3, Corel Draw 10, Word Perfect,
          Quark 4.1, AutoCAD (DWG only), Illustrator 9, Acrobat
          Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access
Media supported:
    3.5" Floppy, CD-ROM, Thumb Drives, Flash Cards

Hours of Operation
Mon / Fri  -  9:30am / 6:00 pm
Closed Sat / Sun
Printer Friendly Version
Ordering Information

© Atlanta Legal Photo Services, Inc.